Release History
Version 5.30 (2018-Jan-30)
New: PDF Printer driver replaced with MS Word and Apache OpenOffice PDF export feature
Fix: Previously minimized Word instance stuck after Word document is created
Fix: Template list not visible in IE Edge
Fix: Lotus Notes menu visible when there are no available actions
Fix: Special characters in the name of the file to be attached to Template setup document cause error
Fix: MS Office does not exist message when using OpenOffice to save as PDF
Fix: Convert2PDF issue
Fix: When opening protected document with incorrect password, provide error description instead default error handler
Fix: Double-prompt for Save.
Fix: Missing OpenOffice reference in status display
Version 5.29 (2015-Mar-11)
Fix: Flat export to Excel - no multivalue export
Fix: [Web] - multivalue field to Word NR table adds empty rows
Fix: [Web] - NL separator not properly transferred
Fix: [PDF] - Office 2010 error when missing default PDF setup document
New: Office 2007+ updated Excel and Powerpoint creation of PDF
New code certificates
Version 5.28 (2013-Mar-11)
New : New certificate - Sign ActiveX and Templates
New : PDF - use PDF setup document options when MS Word conversion is used
Fix: Word bookmark data not transferred to Notes RTF field
Version 5.27 (2012-Dec-04)
Fix: Opening of document in read mode causes date fields to update
Fix: PDF printer - typo and xmllite existence verification
Fix: Reusable texts Search box - 5825 error
Fix: SW_GetAttFileName, unwanted chars at the output
Fix: [xPages] - Inability to open document from read mode
Fix: [xPages] - Minor issues
Version 5.26 (2012-Jun-01)
Fix: 182 - EXPORTASFIXEDFORMAT does not exist
Fix: Bad default View names in templates
Fix: Excel report template setup: tab Chart saving
Fix: Reusable texts changed due to Office 2010 missing common controls
Fix: SwDocumentLib - SW_ReprotectDoc when exiting document while word doc has header open
Fix: Win 7 - ActiveX control even installed cannot be initialized
Fix: XLTM Excel templates not working
Fix: [OOo] Error with a field in the field mapping that is not in the template setup document
Fix: [OOo] Mail Merge Error
Fix: [OOo] SwOpenOfficeLib - SW_SetOOCalcField 26 -213
New: Open Office - Modification of OO Mail Merge template in the sample database
Version 5.25 (2012-Jan-20)
Fix: Conflicting document never saved
Fix: Global variable with templates list to avoid errors when other Word add-ins break initialization of the SWING templates
Fix: Partially protected MS Office documents raise error
Fix: SW_ExtractFileToDisk 36 - 75: Path/fie access error - when opening lookup for fields in an already opened document
Version 5.24 (2011-Jul-14)
Fix: Conditional Texts - Bookmarks and fields are mixed together and bookmarks have "<>" in their names
Fix: Launch of the already created (but not saved) document give prompt that document is missing
Fix: PDF file gets the cryptic background name when choosing "Convert to PDF" action
Fix: Professional Letter template - missing Body field
Fix: UI document gets refreshed when open Word attachment is saved
Fix: Error 45-53 in Sw_AddAttachment when attaching existing document
Fix: [Learning center] Word 2007 - VBA 4120 - Parameter is incorrect
Fix: [Web] Mail Merge - Document Field selection fails
Fix: [Web] No icon when PDF document is attached. Attached type is OTHER.
Fix: [Web] View To Excel - unable to attach existing template after deleting the template file
Fix: [Web] Templates -> Word -> "Lease Agreement" need to change conditional text formula
New: [Web] Templates fine tuning
Version 5.23 (2011-Feb-07)
Fix: Attempt to access uninitialized dynamic array
Fix: Ctrl+S returns to the first page
Fix: Office 2010 64-bit - Word macros fix
Fix: Save to Notes menu always visible in Excel
Fix: Status line: "Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet"
Fix: Super_User installation of the Printer driver issues
Fix: TSD - Word - Conditional texts - if there is no bookmark in the document
Fix: Unable to have two attachments from the same document opened in read mode at the same time
Fix: [Web] Delete templates
New: [Web] Drag & drop attachment in Web browser
New: Refreshed comments on SWPDFLib
New: Renewed code signature for the Office VBA code
Version 5.22 (2010-Mar-09)
Fix: Cannot initialize templates if user have Remove Hidden Data (RHD) Tool installed
Fix: Lotus Notes 5.xx USEor USELSX problem
Fix: Lotus Notes USE or USELSX issue
Fix: [Web] Error when openning Templates created on the Web
Fix: [Web] ActiveX support for Firefox 3.6
Fix: Developer Guide - System Requirements
Version 5.20 (2009-Oct-19)
New: Lotus Notes/Domino 8.5.1 supported
New: Microsoft Windows 7 supported
New: [Web] Microsoft Security Update (Oct. 09) compatibility resolved
Version 5.16 (2009-Jun-02)
Fix: Sw_MassPrintingEx - Requested object is not available
Fix: [Web] Closing Word document closes Excel document also
Fix: [Web] Multiple Mail Merge Permition denied and Requested object is not available error
New: [Web] Improved MS office 2007 document handling
Version 5.15 (2008-Dec-19)
New: Office 2007 new file types incl. template setup documents
New: Leftover separator characters in a MS Excel report type templates
Fix: Global constant correction
Fix: Activate license - a typo
Fix: Sample Database - Save as PDF error with OO template
Version 5.14 (2008-Oct-20)
Fix: Error when saving attached MM documents
Fix: Excel reports - multilanguage support
Fix: Export documents using predefined report leaves data in the Excel clipboard (Office 2007)
Fix: SW_XlTGetDocumentCharts Automation Error with Office 2007
Version 5.13 (2008-Sep-29)
Fix: Change in Excel flat documents export --> SW_XlExportDocsFlat
Fix: Change in Excel flat documents export --> SW_XlExportDocsFlatCat
Fix: Documents are always saved
Fix: Incomplete printout of large documents when using print dialog with SW_PrintDocument(FileName, True)
Fix: SW_AddAttachmentEx
Fix: SW_GetAttPosition not working
Version 5.12 (2008-Aug-20)
Fix: Error on creation of another mail merge document while previous one is opened
Fix: Error when closing two previously opened non Office documents
Fix: Save to Notes always visible
Fix: SW_OpenMailMergeBkg - wrong return value
Version 5.10 (2008-Jul-22)
Fix: Document assembly - Insert reusable text problem
Fix: Error generating charts with Office 2007
Fix: WEB - Templates Field Mapping Error
Fix: WinXP Office 2007 - Excel report chart creation error
Fix: interference with SnagIt in Office templates
Version 5.09 (2008-Jun-09)
Fix: SW_ConnectDataSourceWithMM
New: Allow to use "Use" statements in field mapping for LS code snippets
New: Edit document template on Web
New: Changes to SW_PrintOODoc function
Version 5.08 (2008-Feb-27)
Fix: OpenOffice - Data from bOpenOfficekmarks in OpenOffice was not transferred to Notes RTF field
Fix: OpenOffice - NL separator
Fix: OpenOffice - RTF to Notes error
Fix: OpenOffice - transfer from OpenOffice to Notes RTF field
Fix: PDF - activation problem
Fix: Template and ActiveX sign
Fix: Changes not preserved when first reading and then editing document
Fix: Track changes in Word when opening from web
New: **SwDoNothing** - if there is no value to transfer to Word field
Version 5.07 (2007-Aug-23)
Fix: PDF setup documents cannot be stored in another database
Fix: [Web] Charts are not displayed in popup dialogs if the site is not in the Local intranet or Trusted zones
Version 5.06 (2007-Jun-05)
Fix: Excel - number fields from Notes to Excel not properly formatted
Fix: [Web] - Open excel file, delete value in a cell - the change is not reflected in the Notes document
Version 5.05 (2007-Jan-10)
Fix: Quotation sample - error when MS Office is not installed
New: Meaningful messages when MS Office is not installed
New: Message "Please execute 'Activate license' action" can be modified
Version 5.03 (2006-Dec-19)
Fix: Setup Wizard error
Fix: SW_PrintMailMerge error in Word 2003
Version 5.02 (2006-Dec-12)
Fix: Error when printing to PDF - printer cannot be initialized
Fix: Unable to perform bi-directional field exchange in Excel
Version 5.00 (2006-Nov-29)
Initial Release 5