Release history

For updates in the PDF conversion engine, please refer to the PDF Converter Release History

Version 3.18 (2024-June-04)

  • The problem with the attachment folders being created and named according to the UNID of the document has been fixed.

  • The problem that appeared with categories named with two or more points at the end has been fixed.

  • The problem that occurred when all documents were selected for export and the PDF conversion was turned off, leading to the error "" during the extract to disk option, has been resolved.

Version 3.17 (2024-May-27)

  • The Notes JVM export cancellation issue has been fixed.

  • The problem that was causing an exception to appear when the Notes form field was left empty has been fixed.

  • Fresh install will now set External JVM as the default.

  • WARNING "Outline 'Notice - Border Two' does not exist", that occurs when selecting Mail Outline and Calendar Outline for two databases in a single export has been resolved.

  • The problem that was causing the export to create two folders when the mail outline option was chosen has been fixed.

  • The Exception Cannot invoke "java.util.List.size()" because "children" is null, is resolved.

  • A new option has been added to do a complete reinstall from the Actions menu.

  • The issue with the exception Exception in thread "Thread-5" has been fixed.

Version 3.16 (2024-Apr-24)

  • The issue with view form formulas not being evaluated has been resolved.

  • Issue with the custom metadata being displayed incorrectly, has been resolved.

  • Notes error: The full text index needs to be rebuilt, has been resolved.

  • The issues with the error message Cannot invoke "java.lang.Integer.intValue()", has been resolved.

  • Issue caused by "java.lang.NullPointerException", has been resolved.

  • The issue while fetching the databases from the server, using the advanced selection dialog has been resolved.

  • Issue when exporting multiple outlines has been resolved.

  • The issue with the error message "java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: begin 270, end 254, length 254 (Attachments path too long)", has been resolved.

  • Issue with the export log not being created when using the log level 3 option, has been resolved.

  • Meaningful information has now been added to all logging levels.

  • Issue with the twisties not showing up in the web archive, has now been resolved.

  • Issue with the DateTime time zones has been resolved.

  • The issue with the error message "Index 3 out of bounds for length 3" has been resolved.

  • The issue with the Notes error: File object is truncated - file may have been damaged, has been resolved.

  • Issues with creating a custom metadata using the @Date function, has been resolved.

Version 3.15 (2024-Mar-19)

  • The issue with the error "Java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The number of columns in PdfPTable constructor must be greater than zero", has now been resolved.

  • Issue with the metadata not being uploaded to SharePoint has been resolved.

  • An error received when exporting documents using a generic Notes form has been resolved.

  • The Invalid date specification error has been resolved.

  • Notes 14 release changed paths within the JVM folder, the necessary changes have been made.

  • NotesException: File xxx.log not found error, has been resolved.

  • Databases can now be exported on R6 with the external JVM.

  • The error messages displayed when opening an empty view have been resolved.

Version 3.14 (2024-Mar-06)

  • The issue with the error Cannot invoke "com.swingsoftware.ssc.ViewColumn.getCellSpan()" because "sscTitleCol" is null appearing in the console has been resolved.

  • The issue with the metadata not being uploaded, during the second upload to SharePoint when using the “New Upload” button, has been resolved.

  • Every document which has no form defined and no default form, will be exported with an generic form.

  • Issue with error "Can't load the XML resource" has been resolved.

  • Error " Stream closed" has been resolved.

Version 3.13 (2024-Feb-29)

  • Notes error: Insufficient memory, has been resolved.

  • Issues with the export failing after running out of memory, has been resolved.

  • Notes Exception: Out of memory“ error, has been resolved.

  • Index out of range error when uploading to SharePoint, has been resolved.

  • Upload to SharePoint issues when site URL is ending with "/", has been resolved.

  • Issues with uploaded files to SharePoint, when using folder formula and custom naming formula, has been resolved.

  • Issues with the progress dialog behaving strangely has been resolved.

  • Issues with the export log, concerning the log level have been resolved.

Version 3.12 (2024-Feb-20)

  • Enabled multiple database selection when uploading data to SharePoint

  • New feature added to automatically create a SharePoint document library for each uploaded archive.

  • New feature added to automatically create views in SharePoint document library.

Version 3.11 (2024-Feb-15)

  • Issue with the saving the wrong java.console file has been resolved.

  • Issue with the special characters causing the document links and attachments to not work in Sharepoint, has been resolved.

  • Issue with merging and duplicating log files has been resolved.

  • Removed the incorrect "archive limited to 10 documents and 100 entries per level" message, from the log file.

  • The Cannot invoke "java.awt.image.BufferedImage.flush()" because "this.image" is null issue has been resolved.

  • Two new settings have been added; A setting to save Notes document metadata within the generated PDF files. And a setting to disable the printing of Notes attachment icons in the generated PDF files.

  • Additional feature has been added in settings, to put a limit on the document size which will be exported. (The default is set to 100 MB document size limit)

Version 3.10 (2024-Jan-22)

  • Issue with the invalid XML character (Unicode: 0xde71), is now resolved

  • Issue with the sub tab has been resolved.

  • Issue with the exported blank PDF files has been resolved.

  • Issue with the export when running on deleted documents has now been resolved.

  • Error "Java.lang.NullPointerException" has been resolved.

  • The issue with the export crashing and error "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" being reported has been resolved.

  • Error "com.swingsoftware.notes.NotesDocument.getViewEntry()" because "this.currentDocument" is null has been resolved.

  • A prompt has been added to notify users of changes being saved in General settings.

Version 3.09 (2024-Jan-02)

  • The issue with zip attachments not downloading when they are exported as .7z attachments, has been resolved.

  • Issue with the character reference "&#11" has been resolved.

  • Issue with the dialog incorrectly showing message “Export successfully completed”, has been resolved.

  • Issue with Notes error message ".nsf has not been opened yet" appearing in the log file, has been resolved.

  • The issue with the error message Cannot invoke "com.swsoftware.pdfc.core.attachments.BinaryAttachment.isConvertedToPDF()" because "attachment" is null and export crashing has been resolved.

  • Issue with the outline not being exported properly, has been resolved.

  • Issue with the outline being mixed and not being correctly sorted, has been resolved.

Version 3.08 (2023-Dec-14)

  • Issue with the Sharepoint uploader showing incorrect progress percentage has been resolved.

  • Issue with the agent "Start Export Background" still running after the export has been completed, is now resolved.

  • Issue with the OLE objects being embedded instead of linked and saved in the attachments folder has been resolved.

  • Issue with unnecessary folders being created when a category in a view has the character "/" has been resolved.

  • The issue with the NAMESPACE_ERR error has been resolved.

  • The error "Cannot convert field - unsupported datatype" has been resolved.

  • Issue with the batch export failing to export all databases has been resolved.

  • The issue with the attachment links inside the generated PDF file pointing to an incorrect document extension when choosing the options "Save in the Attachments folder > Convert and save as PDF", has been resolved.

  • The error Cannot invoke "java.lang.Integer.intValue()" because the return value of "java.util.Map.get(Object)" is null has been resolved.

Version 3.07 (2023-Nov-28)

  • Issue with the Notes exception "Object has been removed or recycled" has been resolved.

  • Issue in the web archive with the date in the category not showing correctly, has been resolved.

  • Issue with the umlauts not showing correctly in the web archive catalog has been resolved.

  • Error "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" that occurred when exporting using the Extract to disk option has been resolved.

  • Issue with export crashing has been resolved.

Version 3.06 (2023-Nov-22)

  • Issue with Word Ole objects not being exported has been resolved.

  • The error "Object has been removed or recycled" has been resolved.

  • Issue with the export crashing and getting multiple errors (Notes error: Insufficient memory, Notes error: Formula Error) has been resolved.

  • Issue with the NAMESPACE_ERR error has been resolved.

Version 3.05 (2023-Nov-13)

  • Prompt has been removed when destination folder is Flex root folder.

  • Date format has been corrected.

Version 3.04 (2023-Nov-02)

  • File duplication has been optimized in the Extract to Disk and SharePoint export methods.

  • The redundant commas have been removed from the outline category.

  • The missing view totals have been added to the view-outline.

Version 3.03 (2023-Oct-17)

  • Issue with content missing when column sorting is used, has been resolved.

  • Issues with inline images has been resolved.

  • Issue with the missing viewer version after the export has been resolved.

  • Issue with exporting computed numeric fields has been resolved.

  • Issue with the wrong status in the export log has bee resolved.

  • Error messages that occur when exporting all views from “Individual views” tab and when selecting outline, have been resolved.

Version 3.02 (2023-Sep-27)

  • Issue with folders missing in the web archive has been resolved.

  • Issue with ClosedByInterruptException has been resolved.

  • Warning message when using the full trial has been updated.

  • Issue with outline having missing folder and views as well as not being sorted properly has been resolved.

  • Issue with NullPointerException has been resolved.

  • Issue with another export already in progress has been resolved.

Version 3.01 (2023-Sep-22)

  • Issue with folders not being visible in the view list in the web archive has been resolved.

  • Issue with java.lang.IllegalStateException showing in the log at the end of the export has been resolved.

  • Default folder formulas have been added.

  • Issue with XML files not being created when using custom naming formula has been resolved.

Version 2.78 (2023-Sep-06)

  • Search issue in the web archive has been resolved.

Version 2.77 (2023-Jun-02)

  • Issue with unsupported datatype has been resolved.

Version 2.76 (2023-May-17)

  • Issue with merged cells in table in the Notes document has been resolved.

  • Issue with unzipping the database in Java and getting a Access is denied error, has been resolved.

  • Issues with the export crashing on certain documents have been resolved.

Version 2.75 (2023-May-02)

  • Issue with extracting metadata for a field with RFC822 type has been resolved.

  • Issue with returning to the start menu when export is cancelled has been resolved.

Version 2.74 (2023-Apr-20)

  • The System.NullReferenceException when uploading to a SharePoint list has been resolved.

  • ArrayIndexOutOfBound exception has been resolved.

  • Issue with doclinks for attachments with same name and size has been resolved.

  • Additional By template and file path tab added when selecting databases.

  • Manual license activation option to Actions has been added.

Version 2.73 (2023-Mar-29)

  • The System.NullReferenceException when uploading to a SharePoint list has been resolved.

  • The "No PDF" error has been resolved.

  • The "New PDF settings" which throws an error before opening the form, has been resolved.

  • Issue with the document form is not defined and there is no default form in the database error has been resolved.

Version 2.72 (2023-Feb-22)

  • Issue with attachments that have same name has been resolved.

  • Additional attachment option for generating only the attachments links has been added.

Version 2.71 (2022-Dec-08)

  • Invalid file size exception has been resolved.

  • Issue with the embedded view header and columns not being aligned has been resolved.

  • Action created to convert archive from aspx to html.

  • Ole attachments not being able to open, has been resolved.

  • File names that begin with a space(s) are now trimmed (when using SharePoint export method).

  • Array index out of range exception has been resolved.

Version 2.70 (2022-Nov-03)

  • The System.NullReferenceException error found when uploading to a SharePoint list has been resolved.

  • Error when fetching database views has been resolved.

  • Issue with duplicate response documents has been resolved.

  • Issues with the response documents not showing after changing view and coming back have been resolved.

  • The "not found as file or resource" error caused by Chinese characters has been resolved.

  • Issues with RTF fields not properly being displayed in Sharepoint properties have been resolved.

Version 2.69 (2022-Sep-22)

  • The System.NullReferenceException error found when uploading to a SharePoint list has been resolved.

Version 2.68 (2022-Sep-15)

  • Issue with documents count mismatch have been resolved.

  • Issue with the attachments not working properly have been resolved.

  • Issues with the document list not being refreshed upon category change has been resolved.

Version 2.67 (2022-Aug-17)

  • The System.NullReferenceException error found when uploading to a SharePoint list has been resolved.

  • SharePoint "Return to start" link issue has been resolved.

  • Embedded OLE object issue resolved.

  • Alignment issues resolved when printing PDF.

  • Issues with the document count in the export log have been resolved.

  • Two new columns added in the database analysis report.

Version 2.66 (2022-May-19)

  • The System.NullReferenceException error found when uploading to a SharePoint list has been resolved.

  • Additional reporting has been added to the database analyzer.

  • Multivalue table issues have been resolved.

Version 2.65 (2022-Apr-26)

  • The System.NullReferenceException error found when uploading to a SharePoint list has been resolved.

  • The overflow error found during export on some documents has been resolved.

  • An issue with a the embedded view table being broken in PDF has been resolved.

  • The XML metadata file creation is now skipped if the XML already exists.

  • An issue with Word doc OLE attachment being extracted as TIFF file has been resolved.

Version 2.64 (2022-Mar-25)

  • An issue with the Metadata Sidebar closing on its own has been resolved.

  • The System.NullReferenceException error received when uploading files to a SharePoint list has been resolved.

  • An issue with searching through categories in the Seascape Web Viewer has been resolved.

  • An issue with missing sub-category structure has been resolved.

  • The Nullpointer Exception received when converting a document/corrupted attachment has been resolved.

  • The java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException error received when attempting to export attachments that start with "." has been resolved.

Version 2.63 (2022-Feb-21)

  • Attachment date created and date modified information is now saved in the XML and JSON metadata files.

  • An issue with category search has been resolved.

  • The System.NullReferenceException error received when uploading to a SharePoint list has been resolved.

  • The web archive metadata sidebar now opens or closes automatically based on the state which is saved in browser's local storage from the previous session.

Version 2.62 (2022-Jan-19)

  • A new setting has been added for turning off Form Formula evaluation.

  • An issue with the web archives no longer working when hosted in Microsoft SharePoint has been resolved.

Version 2.61 (2021-Dec-14)

  • The System.NullReferenceException found when uploading to a SharePoint list has been resolved.

Version 2.60 (2021-Nov-25)

  • An issue with exporting stored images has been resolved.

  • Document search is now set as the default search in Seascape Flex.

Version 2.59 (2021-Nov-11)

  • An issue with missing view column in the web archive has been resolved.

  • An issue with hidden attachment icons has been resolved.

Version 2.58 (2021-Nov-02)

  • JS files are no longer generated if the metadata export is disabled.

  • A fidelity issue with single category embedded views has been resolved.

  • An issue with the SharePoint uploader crashing during field mapping has been resolved.

Version 2.57 (2021-Oct-19)

  • An issue with PDF attachment links not linking to the correct attachments in the web archive has been resolved.

  • Links to external attachments have been disabled in the Extract to Disk archive.

Version 2.56 (2021-Oct-06)

  • New feature: The database analysis tool now provides clients with the ability to generate a report listing all of the databases found on a Domino server including the important information for each database, such as the database size, number of documents, attachments, etc.

  • The SharePoint uploader has been updated for better upload performances.

  • An issue with web archive infinite scroll has been resolved.

  • An issue where a document with an embedded view stalls the export process has been resolved.

  • An issue with the embedded view columns being shifted in the PDF has been resolved.

Version 2.55 (2021-Sep-22)

  • Attachment links now work correctly when the file name is too long.

  • Reverting to high-level renderer no longer causes documents to be exported with Memo form.

  • The Seascape Updater now comes with separate functions for the archive catalog updates and export updates.

Version 2.54 (2021-Sep-17)

  • Unfinished exports will now resume automatically when the application is re-opened in case of a Notes crash.

  • The categories outline is now exported correctly when a document filter is applied.

  • An issue with long file paths for XML files has been fixed.

  • A Type Mismatch error that occurred when clicking on pdfsettings in Settings has been fixed.

Version 2.53 (2021-Sep-08)

  • If no PDF file was created for specific archive documents then clicking on the document will only show the metadata sidebar.

  • An issue with selecting Outlines has been fixed.

  • If a user tries to open a 100+ document in the trial version of the web archive a warning message will be shown.

  • An issue with missing dolinks.xml file has been fixed.

Version 2.52 (2021-Aug-10)

  • Attachment icons in PDF are now linked to the files in the Attachments subfolder of the web archive.

  • An issue with users not being able to switch to another view while viewing search results has been fixed.

Version 2.51 (2021-Jul-09)

  • Unfinished exports can now be resumed on application open in case of a Lotus Notes crash.

  • An error that appeared when selecting the PDF Settings has been resolved.

  • When all the views are selected in the view selection the selection link now changes to "Deselect all".

Version 2.50 (2021-Jun-14)

  • The database selection dialog now comes with improved options for selecting mailfile outlines.

  • An issue with missing bullet labels with Chinese characters has been resolved.

  • An issue with the SharePoint uploader crashing while uploading files to SharePoint 2010 has been resolved.

  • The date are now properly set when there is no time for UTC format.

Version 2.49 (2021-Apr-20)

  • The classic database selection dialog now allows for more than 18 databases to be selected.

  • It's now possible to select "Export default view only" when multiple databases are selected.

  • A new column called "ND.Parent" of type lookup is now created during SharePoint uploads containing a reference to the parent document.

Version 2.48 (2021-Apr-15)

  • An issue with uploading files containing the hash character to MS SharePoint has been resolved.

  • The "Export default view only" option can now be selected when exporting multiple databases.

  • A few "java.lang" errors have been resolved.

Version 2.47 (2021-Mar-24)

  • An issue with selecting database for export via database templates has been resolved.

  • An issue with mail outline selection has been resolved.

  • A "Path not found" error found on batch mail export has been resolved.

  • An "XML exception on illegal character" error has been resolved.

Version 2.46 (2021-Feb-23)

  • A new feature has been added which enables the optional export of documents that are not shown in any document view.

  • The "Export default view only" option can now be selected normally when multiple databases are selected.

  • An issue with outline exports creating additional views has been resolved.

  • An issue with SharePoint uploader reporting an error when uploading files with "#" has been resolved.

Version 2.45 (2021-Jan-26)

  • The SharePoint upload window now shows the correct library URL.

  • Seascape now supports the creation of PDF/A-2U files.

  • Seascape now supports import of HTML content into SharePoint fields.

  • An issue with generating file paths from document views that contain the slash character "/" has been resolved.

Version 2.44 (2021-Jan-05)

  • Notes crash issue when running exports on R8 or earlier has been resolved .

Version 2.43 (2020-Dec-23)

  • Offline license activations are now cached locally to avoid showing activation prompts unnecessarily.

Version 2.42 (2020-Nov-28)

  • Field too large error (32K) has been fixed.

  • A few column sorting issues in the web archive have been resolved.

  • SharePoint export settings have been updated by removing a few unused settings.

Version 2.41 (2020-Nov-02)

  • An error that occurred when archiving a database with a Japanese title has been resolved.

  • The DB selection dialog no longer splits the database name when there is a comma in the name.

  • The license usage information on the About now includes the date of last refresh.

  • The "Type mismatch" error found on Notes R7 client has been resolved.

Version 2.40 (2020-Oct-21)

  • Attachments with Chinese characters are now extracted normally.

  • A Notes crash issue has been resolved.

  • The ability to switch between low level and high-level renderer when attachments have Chinese characters has been added.

  • Attachment folders are now saved with the same names as the PDF files when using the "Extract to disk" option.

  • An issue with metadata not being set when the Title column is named differently has been resolved.

  • The main PDF files are now attached along with the other attachments in the in SharePoint List

  • Empty categories are no longer visible in the Web viewer.

  • An issue with older versions of Notes crashing has been resolved.

  • An issue with Seascape Updater using an incorrect archive path if root folder is a disk drive has been resolved.

Version 2.39 (2020-Sep-11)

  • An issue with missing and deformed content in PDF files has been resolved.

  • Outline selection is now enabled when multiple databases are based on the same template.

  • When exporting via outlines, the outlines labels are now used instead of the view names.

  • The Notes outline structure is now replicated fully in the web archive, including "group" entries

  • The System Monospaced font has been replaced with a scalable font.

  • An issue with the "detachNotesAttachment error - must supply bulk decryption key" error has been resolved.

  • An issue with missing or incomplete content has been resolved.

  • An issue with invalid characters appearing the XML files used for SharePoint uploads has been resolved.

  • An issue where an embedded view is torn apart in the PDF output has been resolved.

Version 2.38 (2020-Aug-17)

  • Users can now select up to 100 databases to export in one go.

  • Quotations marks are now stripped from the file names.

  • An issue with data formats in the web archives has been resolved.

  • An issue with the view creation breaking on document rendering error has been resolved.

Version 2.37 (2020-Aug-10)

  • A new agent has been added to automatically sign the Seascape database with the current user ID during installation.

  • An issue with empty view columns in web archive has been resolved.

  • An issue with stack overflow has been resolved.

Version 2.36 (2020-Jul-27)

  • An issue with invalid JSON files being generated has been resolved.

  • The web archive now works on HTTP also.

Version 2.35 (2020-Jul-10)

  • An error caused when creating a database shortcut which contains illegal file name characters has been resolved.

  • Attachments upload to SharePoint now works correctly when the PDF files are named using a custom naming formula.

  • PDF files are now generated correctly with the Extract to Disk option when the database is on local.

Version 2.34 (2020-Jun-23)

  • The getMetadata function now works correctly when the web archive is deployed from a server.

  • The ND.AttachedTo UNID property is now added for each attachment in SharePoint.

  • An issue with broken string on export in view entries has been fixed.

  • The AnonymousBlockBox incompatible with org.xhtmlrenderer.newtable.TableRowBox error has been resolved.

  • The Response column content is now properly aligned.

  • Chinese characters in attachment names are no longer exported as question marks inside the view-entries.js files.

  • The folder names in Export to disk are now trimmed.

Version 2.33 (2020-May-27)

  • The Database Clear action now clears the view selection too.

  • The 'db' subfolder is now exported to the correct location in structured export.

  • An error found while creating JSON for Notes metadata has been fixed.

  • The three primary export methods have been renamed.

  • A new option has been added for exporting mail databases to disk.

  • The ND.AttachedTo UNID metadata is now generated for each attachment uploaded to SharePoint.

Version 2.32 (2020-May-11)

  • An issue with connecting to SharePoint On-Premise has been resolved.

  • A FileNotFoundException error when exporting folder names ending with dots has been resolved.

  • Completed exports now show a link to the Export Log.

Version 2.31 (2020-May-07)

  • The SharePoint upload progress bar is now displayed based on the actual number of files in the folder.

  • The ND.Attachments property is no longer imported to SharePoint lists.

  • If the Title list item is not defined in SharePoint then the file name will be used instead.

  • The database selection dialog has been updated with several new improvements.

  • Attachments are no longer duplicated when exporting documents from view based on a form formula.

  • Metadata is now applied correctly to documents created with a View Form Formula.

  • An issue with Notes crashing during export has been fixed.

  • The Plain Archive now saves the view structures.

  • Settings for multiple views export in the Plain Archive have been moved to the Export Settings tab.

  • The ND.UNID, ND.Parent UNID ($Ref), ND.Created Date, and Form properties have been added to indexed columns in SharePoint.

  • The documents and view entry counters in the application now show the correct values.

  • OLE objects are now exported correctly.

Version 2.30 (2020-Apr-06)

  • New settings have been added for selecting views in the plain archive.

  • Sharepoint uploader now correctly uploads files that are not named using the Notes UNID.

  • SharePoint uploader now manages the document upload speed automatically based on SharePoint's throttling policy.

  • An issue with the plain archiving showing an incorrect number of exported documents has been fixed.

Version 2.29 (2020-Mar-23)

  • The Full Archive created from a mailfile's outline now includes all folders.

  • Non hierarchical view with response column not shows documents correctly.

  • Plain archives can now be created by selecting specific document views.

  • The Full Archive is no longer broken because of invalid views-list.js

Version 2.28 (2020-Feb-07)

  • A new option for exporting mail databases as plain archives has been added.

  • A new option has been added to disable the XML metadata file creation in the plain archive.

  • Rich text fields can now be exported as metadata in the plain (SharePoint) archive.

  • An IE11 compatibility issue has been resolved.

  • Documents with same file name as already exported documents will be skipped in plain archive export.

  • Line breaks are now preserved when uploading rich text metadata to the SharePoint.

  • The "User xx cannot open database" error on refresh database list has been fixed.

  • The Web viewer updater no longer throws an error when reading zip file.

  • A user defined error when selecting database in the new alternate form setting has been fixed.

  • The "Variable not set error" has been resolved.

  • An issue with LocalStorage when 3rd party cookies are disabled has been fixed.

  • An overflow error when exporting with plain archive has been fixed.

Version 2.27 (2020-Jan-15)

  • The "32k error" which appeared in some cases when fetching database views has been fixed.

  • The Notes metadata is now displayed correctly in the full archive hosted in a MS SharePoint library.

Version 2.26 (2019-Dec-20)

  • The modern authentication method is now supported in SharePoint

  • A quick tour feature is enabled in the full archives to help users find their way around the archive easily

  • RTF text field can now be mapped to SharePoint fields

  • An issue with the wrong date format has been fixed

  • A "32k" error that occurs when too many workstations are registered has been fixed

  • An issue with the PDF files not opening with double-click has been fixed

  • The error handling in cases when the database list from server can't be fetched has been improved

  • Very long attachments names in the Full Archive are now automatically shortened

Version 2.25 (2019-Nov-07)

  • The plain archive attachment subfolders are now saved with the same names as the parent PDF files.

  • An issue with filter selection showing "All folders in views in selected database" when only a single view is selected has been fixed.

  • An issue with an Invalid Formula error has been resolved.

Version 2.24 (2019-Nov-04)

  • The mail outline is now the default outline when exporting mailboxes.

Version 2.23 (2019-Sep-27)

  • New options have been added for processing embedded views.

  • New options have been added for OLE attachment extraction.

  • An overflow error which occurred on full archive export has been fixed.

  • As issue where the progress bar freezes with an "input past end of file" error has been fixed.

Version 2.22 (2019-Sep-06)

  • An issue with SharePoint upload connection has been resolved.

  • A few UI issues found when the Full Archive is viewed in Microsoft Edge have been resolved.

Version 2.21 (2019-Aug-07)

  • The "Field is too large (32K)" or "View's column & selection formulas are too large" errors have been fixed.

Version 2.20 (2019-Jul-29)

  • An OEM version of the product is now available

  • JSON files are now loaded using JavaScript without a web server

Version 2.19 (2019-Jul-12)

  • A category view search issue which occurs when there are no results in the search has been fixed

  • Searching in a view category with multiple levels now works correctly

  • An issue with the SharePoint field mapping has been fixed

  • Subcategories are now correctly recognized

Version 2.18 (2019-Jun-21)

  • Fixed a stability issue

Version 2.17 (2019-Jun-05)

  • Fixed an issue with the license activation

Version 2.16 (2019-May-31)

  • Send multiple replicas for activation when performing batch exports

  • Improved the license activation procedure

  • An option to send email when export is completed has been added

  • The current license usage is now shown after successful activation

  • An issue with empty date fields showing the value of "00:00:00" has been fixed

  • An issue with column duplication in categorized views has been fixed

Version 2.15 (2019-Apr-15)

  • The mail database outline is now recreated in Full Archive

  • UI formulas are now evaluated during export

  • An issue with plain archiving getting stuck on a specific document has been resolved

  • A missing icon in the web viewer has been restored

  • The custom-root.css file is now exported to root css folder and custom-db.css files to css folders of each database

  • The metadata is now sorted alphabetically

  • An issue where nothing happens when fetching views of encrypted databases has been resolved

  • When modifying a document selection the hidden views will not be unselected

  • Long attachment names will be trimmed if the path is too long

  • The "No RESUME" error on fetching views from a database with private views has been resolved

  • Column sorting should is now case insensitive

  • Full Archives can now be set up with custom colors and logo in the root css file

  • The log now shows the information on alternate forms if they are used during the export

  • Created and modified time is now displayed in 24h or AM/PM format

Version 2.14 (2019-Mar-13)

  • The last used destination folder will now be set as default until changed

  • Date only fields with "0Z" suffix are now correctly transferred to SharePoint

  • An issue with big decimal numbers rounding has been fixed

  • The Plain Archive export now allows user to choose if the database root folder should be created

  • Support is added for text-only representation of RTF in metadata

  • "The server does not allow messages larger than 2097152 bytes" error in SharePoint uploader has been resolved

  • An issue with invalid time range and date time range values in JSON has been fixed

  • Mime mail "Received" property is now handled correctly when generating metadata

  • Progress bar during metadata processing now works for the plain archive too

  • Text fields over 255 characters are now trimmed

Version 2.13 (2019-Feb-25)

  • Comma separated decimal numbers are now transferred correctly

  • SharePoint field type change is now saved correctly

Version 2.12 (2019-Jan-19)

  • The metadata formula is now validated correctly.

Version 2.11 (2018-Dec-19)

  • An issue with date-only fields getting a "0Z" suffix in the XML metadata has been resolved.

  • "Object variable not set" error has been resolved.

Version 2.10 (2018-Dec-10)

  • The SharePoint library tree is now loaded faster using dynamic loading

  • The SharePoint connections are now listed alphabetically

  • Refreshing a view list now also automatically refreshes the outlines list

  • An option has been added to refresh the outline list

  • An issues with converting databases with trailing space in the title has been resolved

  • Fetch views now works correctly on specific databases

  • An option to disable rendering of doclinks has been added

  • An issue with matadata containing invalid characters has been resolved

  • A warning message will now be shown if the version of Notes client used is less then R8

  • An issue with no documents being displayed in a view has been resolved

Version 2.09 (2018-Nov-26)

  • An issue with specific documents not being displayed in the web view has been resolved

Version 2.08 (2018-Nov-21)

  • Existing JSON files are no longer overwritten with new exports

  • The Full Archive can now be hosted from a SharePoint library

Version 2.07 (2018-Nov-12)

  • Response doc titles are no longer duplicated

  • View entries columns are now displayed correctly (not empty)

  • Added an alternative way to select databases when batch select doesn't work

  • The "Add a database" button has been removed from the batch select dialog

Version 2.06 (2018-Nov-06)

  • The views are now presented in the same order as in the database outline

  • The export log now includes information on document counts

  • Seascape export now works correctly when there is a comma in database name

  • An issue with a view now being exported correctly has been resolved

  • "Created By" field is now correctly transferred to SharePoint

  • The license key is now shown in the About dialog

  • Fixed an issue where the error log shows just "Document conversion failed, no additional data available"

  • Existing PDF documents will now be overwritten when the export to the same folder is repeated

  • Support has been added for Delegated / Claims

Version 2.05 (2018-Oct-18)

  • Invalid characters are now removed when file names are created using a formula

  • The SharePoint uploader now provides the ability to upload attachments and link to corresponding documents

  • The parent document (PDF) can now be added to a generic SharePoint list as an attachment

  • The Full and Plain archives now provide the ability to define custom metadata

  • Documents already uploaded to SharePoint will now be skipped if a new upload is started with the same documents

  • If a Form Formula is defined in a view, multiple document instances will be created based on the formula

  • A new option has been added which enables the export of only the default view in a each selected database

  • Users can now switch to the default Notes dialog when selecting a single database if needed

  • The default PDF settings are now saved correctly after being edited

  • Documents to be exported can now be selected using a Notes formula

  • The Full Archive now opens the default database view, same as in the original Notes application

Version 2.04 (2018-Sep-19)

  • Documents are now listed in a view correctly when a string value is shown in the "display as icon" column

  • When attachments are extracted to disk the created and modified dates will be saved unchanged

  • Upload metadata and attachments to SharePoint lists when there is no main document

Version 2.03 (2018-Aug-07)

  • File attachment options

  • Hash license key for display

  • Add SharePoint field name validation (typed field names can not be blank or duplicates)

  • Before starting conversion check if PDF Converter is already running

  • Manual database activation fix

  • PDF Settings dialog improvement

  • PDF/A fixed

Version 2.02 (2018-Jul-30)

  • Restricting export to one server still allows local databases to be exported

  • Document export based on date does not work

  • Time zone in exported JSON

  • PDF Setting dialog improvement

  • Version number updated in main.js file

  • SharePoint upload UI in the Seascape Notes application

  • SharePoint Uploader WPF UI design

  • Exported views and documents count in Seascape Web Viewer and Updater

Version 2.01 (2018-Jul-23)

  • Fix: Overflow error on large databases (>2GB)

Version 2.00 (2018-Jul-20)

  • New: Plain Export (PDF+XML)

  • New: SharePoint Uploader

  • New: Full Export - Database Catalog

  • New: Export of multiple databases in a single batch

  • New: Updater for Web Viewer

  • New: Other improvements

Version 1.61 (2018-Feb-07)

  • Fix: Attachments with long files names are not exported

  • Fix: View indentified as hidden if name starts with underscore

  • Fix: Error when fetching views: Could not create field %1

  • Fix: Object variable not set error

Version 1.60 (2017-Dec-10)

  • Fix: User can export data from any accessible server

Version 1.59 (2017-Nov-14)

  • Fix: Fetch database views not working when database is not saved in the Notes Data directory

  • New: Updated the PDF Converter libraries

Version 1.58 (2017-Oct-20)

  • Fix: Crash when exporting large emails

  • New: Updated the PDF Converter libraries

Version 1.57 (2017-Sep-29)

  • Fix: Disabled console logging when exporting documents

Version 1.56 (2017-Sep-21)

  • Fix: Improved memory handling

Version 1.55 (2017-Sep-14)

  • New: Updated the PDF Converter libraries

Version 1.54 (2017-Aug-18)

  • Fix: Notes crash when converting MIME documents

Version 1.53 (2017-Aug-09)

  • Fix: Exported view contains no values

  • Fix: Bullets shown instead of numbers in numbered list

  • Fix: Unknown HTML symbol

  • Fix: Hotspot processing error

  • Fix: Content displayed outside of table in RTF

  • Fix: Space inserted between sections

  • Fix: Section indentation issue

Version 1.52 (2017-Jul-12)

  • Fix: Database activation throws error

Version 1.51 (2017-May-24)

  • Fix: Watermark issue

Version 1.50 (2017-Apr-21)

  • New: Attachment options

  • New: Add progress counter when creating view structures

  • New: Automatic web viewer updates

  • New: Folder shortcuts

  • New: Major performance improvements

  • Fix: Process failed documents again automatically

  • Fix: Handle "not categorized" view category

  • Fix: Export job cancellation not working as expected

  • Fix: Columns empty when exporting with Notes 7

  • Fix: Field with $ref value should be rendered as doclink

Version 1.07 (2017-Mar-13)

  • Fix: PDF Settings not applied

  • Fix: Horizontal scrollbar not shown in IE

Version 1.06 (2017-Feb-01)

  • Fix: Define hidden columns

  • Fix: PDF Settings not working

Version 1.05 (2017-Jan-26)

  • New: Attachment options

  • New: Embedded view doclinks

  • New: Horizontal scrollbar for views with many columns

  • New: Option to select all views for export

  • New: Alternate forms functionality redesign

  • New: Structured view selection menu

Version 1.04 (2016-Dec-22)

  • Fix: Display issue in General settings

  • Fix: Don't add views that failed to export to JSON

  • Fix: Error when one view has no documents

  • Fix: Export stuck on Calculating view entries total

  • Fix: Run application code on Server only on server

  • Fix: Subcategories with totals: subcategory captions are missing

  • Fix: Totals - column missing

  • Fix: [PDFC] Embedded view should be empty

  • Fix: Notes UI improvement

  • New: Exception logging

  • New: Trial: 100+ documents

Version 1.03 (2016-Nov-18)

  • Fix: Alternate form settings - use only on mail databases

  • Fix: Child documents columns empty

  • Fix: Clean hash from attachment filename

  • Fix: Document conversion failed, no additional data available (code 14)

  • Fix: Margins settings disregarded

  • Fix: PDF Settings always in inch

  • Fix: processColumnEntry NullPointerException

  • Fix: Variant does not contain a container

  • Fix: ViewToJson Type mismatch

  • Fix: Warning message

  • Fix: "Conversion finished" on Notes 7

  • Fix: [PDFC] Embedded view not displayed correctly

Version 1.02 (2016-Oct-26)

  • Fix: Column positions moved

  • Fix: Dialog: Select views

  • Fix: Object variable not set

  • Fix: Overflow error when exporting view

  • Fix: Response documents misplaced

  • New: Add version number in log

Version 1.01 (2016-Oct-13)

  • Fix: Better error handling

  • Fix: Duplicated view names on conversion re-run

  • Fix: Invalid data types in view columns

  • New: Metadata is missing explanation

Version 1.00 (2016-Oct-04)

  • Initial version

Last updated