Toolbar Icon Settings

About toolbar icon settings

The Toolbar Icon Settings consist of Form Settings, View Settings and Localization.

The Form Settings are used to convert the Notes documents by using alternate form layouts. If no alternate forms are set, the selected Notes documents will be rendered to PDF using the default document form layout.

The View Settings are used to set the default ways in which PDF documents will be generated when running conversion jobs in particular Notes views.

The Localization is used to change or localize the different text strings that appear in various conversion dialogues.

The following is a description of each of these settings.

Form settings

Lotus Notes forms created for viewing data in a Notes client are many times not optimized for printing, and if such forms are converted to PDF, the result may not be satisfactory. In such cases, it is recommended to use an alternate Notes form, one designed specifically for use during PDF exports.

In order to enable conversion of Notes documents using different form layouts, alternate forms will first need to be created in Domino Designer and saved in the SWING PDF Converter database.Then the alternate forms have to be grouped in the Form Settings with any of the pre-existing forms in user's applications. Grouping the forms in this way will allow the users to select an alternate conversion form in a drop-down menu during the PDF export process.

In order to create new Form Settings, click on the Form Settings link in the administration menu and then the New Form Setting button (see below screenshot):

A new Form Settings document will be opened for editing. The following screenshot shows the various options available in the Form Settings document:

Here are the steps for grouping one or more alternate forms with a default Notes form:

  1. Select the database where the original layout form is stored (or select the Any database option)

  2. Enter the name of the default Form for a Notes document

  3. Select all the alternate forms that will be available to end users in the alternate forms drop-down menu and save the new settings.

Usage example:

Let's assume that three alternate forms called Fax1, Fax2 and Fax3 were created and grouped with the Memo form in a Notes mailbox file.

When a user now tries to convert an email based on the Memo form, they will also have the option to select any of the other three form layouts for that particular export:

The Form Settings also allow for the creation of a custom naming convention based on a Notes formula.

If a naming convention has been created, users will be able to select it using the Name PDF Files By drop-down menu shown in the above screenshot (however only when exporting a single document to PDF).A naming convention may also be applied when exporting multiple documents, but in this case the convention should be created in the View Settings instead (for more information see View Settings section below).

Finally, the Form Settings section also allows provides the ability to automatically set various PDF document properties (using the PDF documents properties fields).

The PDF properties that you can set include Title, Subject, Author and Keywords properties. These properties can later be accessed in Adobe reader using the File -> Properties menu.

View settings

To configure the default way for creating PDF files in a particular Notes view, click on the View Settings link in the administration menu and then the New View Setting button (see below screenshot):

A new configuration document will open up for editing. The following screenshot shows the various options available in the View Settings configuration document:

Here are the steps to configure the View Settings:

  1. Select a database and view to which the settings will be applied

  2. Choose whether the default PDF output will be a PDF Package or Separate PDF files. Alternatively, select Ask user in order to let the user decide.

  3. If you chose Separate PDF files in the previous step, then also create a naming convention for the PDF files, using a Notes formula


In order to create a new Localization setting, click on the Localization link in the administration menu and then the New Localization button (see below screenshot).

A new Localization document will open up for editing as shown below:

The Language field represents the name of the Localization document and the Default field specifies whether the created localization will be the default one.

After configuring the localized text, the document may be saved and applied. It is also possible to localize all sections of the user interface by modifying the design elements using Domino Designer.

Last updated