Error - Exception in thread "Launcher: SwCreatePDF" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: -SOME CLASS-

This error message means that SWING PDF Converter jar files did not extract properly and were not loaded by Lotus Notes/Domino JVM.

SWING PDF Converter is written in Java and its jar files must be loaded in the Lotus Notes/Domino JVM. Lotus Notes/Domino JVM loads new jars only on startup so a restart is required if JVM is already running.

First, locate the ext folder in your Notes Domino installation (for example C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino/jvm/lib/ext).

If you find any of the JARs listed below in that folder, delete them:

  • bcpkix-jdk13-151.jar

  • bcprov-jdk13-151.jar

  • commons-codec-1.4.jar

  • commons-httpclient-3.0.jar

  • commons-io-1.4.jar

  • commons-logging-1.1.1.jar

  • flying-saucer-sw.jar

  • htmlcleaner2_1.jar

  • iText-2.1.7-sw.jar

  • jai_codec.jar

  • jai_core.jar

  • jodconverter-3.0.4.jar

  • juh-3.2.1.jar

  • jurt-3.2.1.jar

  • ridl-3.2.1.jar

  • slf4j-api-1.7.7.jar

  • swlmbcs.jar

  • swpdfc-2.0.0.jar

  • sw-unoil-3.2.1.jar

  • swUtilities.jar

  • xstream-1.3.1.jar

  • zip4j_1.3.2.jar

Then restart your Domino server or Notes client (depending on where your conversions are running) after installing PDF Converter. Domino server sometimes has to be restarted for the second time if same error is thrown the after first restart.

If restarting does not help than it is recommended to do a complete SWING PDF Converter removal and start the conversion again. This will force SWING PDF Converter to set up all required resources again.

The tool removal guide can be found here:

Removing PDF Converter completely from your system

If using Swing PDF Converter API, it is required to install fresh Swing PDF Converter design elements to third party database:

Enabling your applications

Last updated