How to enable international characters

If international characters (Cyrillic, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, etc..) are not shown in converted PDF document it is most probably because international character support is not enabled.

There are two ways to enable this option depending on the type of PDF Converter deployment:

PDF toolbar icon

  • Open Swing PDF Converter database in Lotus Notes

  • From the main menu select "PDF Settings"

  • Open the desired Settings document

  • In the "PDF Settings" document select "Fonts" tab and change the "Embed all fonts" setting to "Yes"

  • Save and close the Settings document


In LotusScript API use setting:

swPDF.PDFSettings.EnableFontEmbedding = True

In Java API use setting:


Asian/Arabic fonts not embedded to pdf document

Please read the following article in the Troubleshooting section:

Last updated