How to send error-prone documents/emails to the Support

Here are the instructions on how to send documents/emails to SWING Software technical support team for troubleshooting, in case you experience any difficulties with PDF conversions.

1. In your Lotus Notes client right click on database containing the error prone document and select Application > New Copy:

2. In the Copy Application window:

  • Select Application design only

  • Uncheck Access Control List.

3. Click on the Encryption button and select Do not locally encrypt this database option. Click OK, and one more time in the Copy Application window. The new database will be created in your Lotus Notes workspace:

4. Right click on the new database in Lotus Notes workspace and select Application > Access Control:

5. Set the database ACL -Default- user to Manager and click OK:

We now have an empty database which has same design as original database.

6. Open original Lotus Notes database and select and copy the emails/documents which are not converted properly to PDF.

7. Return to the database which you just created and paste the documents here, then close the database.

8. Finally, locate the newly created database file on your hard drive (usually C:\Program Files\IBM\Lotus\Notes\Data ) and send it to

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