How to set custom PDF settings from LotusScript
Create instance of SwPDFSettings class:
Dim pdfSettings As New SwPDFSettings
Then, set values that suites your needs. For example:
pdfSettings.MarginLeft = 5
Finally, apply settings to SwPDFCreator class:
Set swPDF.PDFSettings = pdfSettings
Here is the full code example that can be used in form action on any form:
Option Declare
Use "SwPDFMain"
Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim w As New NotesUIWorkspace, doc As NotesDocument
Dim swPDF As New SwPDFCreator, swPDFDoc As SwPDFDocument, pdfErr As SwPDFError, pdfSettings As New SwPDFSettings, DestFilePath As Variant
On Error Goto ErrorHandler
If w.CurrentDocument.IsNewDoc Then
Msgbox "Document must be saved first in order to convert it to a PDF.", 0+48, "WARNING"
' Get destination file path
DestFilePath = w.SaveFileDialog(False, "Save document", "PDF Files (*.pdf)|*.pdf", "", "test.pdf")
If Not Isempty(DestFilePath)Then
If Dir$(DestFilePath(0)) <> "" Then
dialogRes = Messagebox(DestFilePath(0) & " already exists." & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & "Do you want to replace it?", 4, "Save document")
If dialogRes = 7 Then
Exit Sub
Kill DestFilePath(0)
End If
End If
'Get currently opened Notes document
Set doc = w.CurrentDocument.Document
'Initialize PDF creation process; license key is required
pdfSettings.MarginLeft = 5
'Add all settings here
Set swPDF.PDFSettings = pdfSettings
'Convert doc to PDF
Set swPDFDoc = swPDF.ProcessDocument(doc)
If Not swPDFDoc Is Nothing Then
'Finally, save generated PDF to a file on disk
Call swPDFDoc.SaveToFile(DestFilePath(0))
Msgbox "PDF successfully created in " & DestFilePath(0)
'There was an error in PDF conversion
Set pdfErr = swPDF.GetError()
Msgbox pdfErr.Message, 0+16, "ERROR"
End If
'There was an error in PDF initialization
Set pdfErr = swPDF.GetError()
Msgbox pdfErr.Message, 0+16, "ERROR"
End If
End If
End If
Exit Sub
Msgbox "Error " + Error + " -> " + Erl
Exit Sub
End Sub
List of available settings in the SwPDFSettings class:
String. Read/write. Universal ID of the document containing PDF settings (must be created with ".PDFSettings" form).
If set, it automatically overrides all the other corresponding SwPDFSettings options.
Double. Read/write. Page height in inches; defaults to 11in.
Double. Read/write. Page width in inches; defaults to 8.5in.
Double. Read/write. Margin top in inches; defaults to 1in.
Double. Read/write. Margin left in inches; defaults to 0in.
Double. Read/write. Margin bottom in inches; defaults to 1in.
Double. Read/write. Margin right in inches; defaults to 0.5in.
String. Read/write. Name of the alternate form that will be used for PDF conversion instead of the form documents
has been created with.
Variant. Read/write. Multi-value string list of alternate forms that will be used with document collections. Each
element in this list should contain actual form name and alias form name, separated with "|" character (e.g. "FormName|AliasFormName").
If document from collection is created with a form that is contained in this property, corresponding alias form will
be used instead. If form is not contained within this property, AlternateForm property will then be used (if defined;
otherwise, original form will be used to create PDF).
Boolean. Read/write. True, if Notes document attachments needs to be embedded to a resulting PDF file; otherwise False.
Integer. Read/write. This property will be used only when IncludeAttachments is set to True. Possible values
Boolean. Read/write. If set to True, PDF document will also contain "web attachments" (attachments that are not associated with any RTF).
Default is False.
String. Read/write. Password required to open PDF document.
String. Read/write. Password required to change PDF document.
Boolean. Read/write. True, if encryption level needs to be set to 128-bit RC4 (Acrobat 5.x¸ 6.x); defaults to False,
which is 40-bit RC4 (Acrobat 3.x¸ 4.x) encryption. This property takes effect only when either UserPassword or MasterPassword is set.
Boolean. Read/write. If set to False, PDF document printing will be disabled; default is True. This property takes effect only
when either UserPassword or MasterPassword is set.
Boolean. Read/write. If set to False, modifying PDF document content will be disabled; default is True. This property
takes effect only when either UserPassword or MasterPassword is set.
Boolean. Read/write. If set to False, PDF document copying will be disabled; default is True. This property takes effect only
when either UserPassword or MasterPassword is set.
Boolean. Read/write. If set to False, PDF document comments will be disabled; default is True. This property takes effect only
when either UserPassword or MasterPassword is set.
Boolean. Read/write. If set to False, PDF document form fields will be disabled; default is True. This property takes
effect only when either UserPassword or MasterPassword is set.
String. Read/write. Name of the field on document that will contain HTML, that needs to be converted to PDF.
Note that this field should be visible in read mode in order to get PDF with rendered HTML.
Boolean. Default is False. In order to enable font embedding, SystemFontsDir parameter must also be set.
Boolean. Set this property to True, if Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Vietnamese characters are used. Default is False.
String. System folder where fonts are stored (e.g. c:\windows\fonts on Windows OS).
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