The java.policy document should now appear as in the below image:
3. User authentication is performed using LotusScript and Java API. Here is a code example for authenticating the user using LotusScript:
Use "SwPDFMain"
Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim w As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim dc As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim swPDF As New SwPDFCreator, swPDFDoc As SwPDFDocument, pdfErr As SwPDFError
Dim DestFilePath As Variant
On Error Goto Ooops
' Get destination file path
DestFilePath = w.SaveFileDialog(False, "Save document", "PDF Files (*.pdf)|*.pdf", "", "test.pdf")
If Not Isempty(DestFilePath)Then
If Dir$(DestFilePath(0)) <> "" Then
dialogRes = Messagebox(DestFilePath(0) & " already exists." & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & "Do you want to replace it?", 4, "Save document")
If dialogRes = 7 Then
Exit Sub
Kill DestFilePath(0)
End If
End If
' Procceed with PDF conversion
' Get currently opened Notes document
Set db = s.CurrentDatabase
Set dc = db.UnprocessedDocuments
Set doc = dc.GetFirstDocument
' Initialize PDF creation process; license key is required
If swPDF.Init("<LICENCE KEY HERE>") Then
' enable font embedding for non ascii characters
swPDF.PDFSettings.EnableFontEmbedding = True
' set user HTTP credentials
Call swPDF.PDFSettings.SetHTTPCredentials("Username","Password")
' Convert doc to PDF
Set swPDFDoc = swPDF.ProcessDocument(doc)
If Not swPDFDoc Is Nothing Then
' Finally, save generated PDF to a file on disk
Call swPDFDoc.SaveToFile(DestFilePath(0))
Msgbox "PDF successfully created in " & DestFilePath(0)
' There was an error in PDF conversion
Set pdfErr = swPDF.GetError()
Msgbox pdfErr.Message, 0+16, "ERROR"
End If
' There was an error in PDF initialization
Set pdfErr = swPDF.GetError()
Msgbox pdfErr.Message, 0+16, "ERROR"
End If
End If
Exit Sub
Msgbox "Error: " + Error + " On line: " + Erl
Exit Sub
End Sub
If a HTML code is pointing to a protected resource (for example: where lamp.gif is a password protected image on the server), then in order to render such content to PDF, your Java policy document should be modified to allow password authentication from Lotus Notes.