Troubleshooting Guide

Issues with converting Notes documents or emails using SWING PDF Converter may arise due to many different causes. Some of the common causes include:

  • System environment issues (e.g. lack of necessary permissions to perform certain actions, network connectivity issues etc.)

  • Notes design issues (e.g. complicated document form design, Lotus Notes related issues etc.)

  • Programming issues

If an issue occurs during a conversion job, the first troubleshooting step is to try and convert some of the sample documents provided in the SWING PDF Converter database (using the PDF toolbar icon). Then:

  • If the conversion is not successful, that would indicate an issue with the installation of the tool or a system environment issue. Refer to this check-list to see if all the required resources are available on your workstation. Contact the SWING Support Team for more assistance.

  • If conversion is successful, that would indicate that the cause of the issue is located in the other documents or emails that you tried to convert. In this case, it will be necessary to locate the documents/emails that caused the issue and contact the SWING Support Team.You can use the conversion and error logs of your SWING PDF Converter database in order to locate the documents/emails causing the issue.

Note: If the conversion of the sample documents does not work, it is also recommended to try the task on a different workstation too, if possible.

See Contacting SWING Support below for information on how to speed up the support process.

Contacting SWING Support

In order to resolve any issues with SWING PDF Converter as efficiently and quickly as possible, the SWING Support Team requires several types of information from the user who experienced the issue. This article lists the typical information required and can be used as a check-list when contacting the Support Team.

System environment

  • Lotus Notes version (or Domino version, if using the product on server side)

  • Windows version (or server-side OS, if using the product on server side)

  • Version of Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, LibreOffice or Lotus Symphony (if these are used for attachment conversions)

Issue description

  • General description of the issue

  • Steps to re-create the issue

  • Screenshots of error messages (if any)

Diagnostic information

  • Content of the Java debug console (Tools - Show Java Debug Console) at time of error or the server log, if using on server side. If you don't have the Show Java Debug console option in your Notes menu, see this article in order to enable the menu option:

  • Copy of the code used (if the product is deployed programmatically using our API)

  • Database or document examples. See this article on how to send document examples to SWING Support Team:

Sending as much information as possible from the above list helps locating the cause of the issue and finding a solution faster.

Good to know

  • Typically, it is not required to send your entire database to SWING Support Team, but only a few documents in the database (that the issue can be re-created with) will suffice.

  • If you cannot send document examples due to confidentiality concerns, you can instead send only the document forms (deleting any confidential data). During the troubleshooting, the SWING Support Team typically focuses only on the design of the Notes document form, and not so much on the content.

  • If needed, SWING Software can also sign a non-disclosure agreement which will allow you to send confidential forms for troubleshooting. Please contact SWING Software for more information.

Last updated

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